Strong Women and Whiskey

not for the delicate palate

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Location: Oxford, Pennsylvania, United States

I've found that if you speak as if with authority on nearly any topic, most people will believe you. This frightens me.

Sunday, March 05, 2006


I've been having this dream, sporadically, but over the past few months, maybe almost a year, of running.

Not running to, or from , or away... just running for the pure unadulterated pleasure of it. Running, rather slowly in long loping strides - usually in what I can best describe as cross country style. Sometimes there's a person or two with me, sometimes I'm alone - they're never of any consequence.

I played soccer for years, though after I hit adolescence I stopped. I've never been a "runner". I've envied the lithe, determined, folks that brave all kinds of weather to do it. It's just odd, but satisfying in some ways, that in this dream I can feel so strong and comfortable in my body, when in life I do not. And it's so real, that I almost feel as if I've actually been there. Which is probably the best it'll get since I don't forsee getting this hulking pile of meat moving like that any time soon.


Blogger e said...

Laura, I used to have dreams like that about iceskating. The exhilaration of fluid motion... I will never be able to skate, not even stand upright on skates for too long (bad knee) but I still love the indulgence of dreams.

Incidentally, did you ever see the episode of Friends where Phoebe starts jogging with Rachel and refuses to embrace the determined, athletic style of running and instead convinces Rachel to run like she did when she was a kid: spastic, arms flailing, yelling, directionless. It was an awesome episode. Running like a spastic child is good. :o)

7:19 PM  
Blogger On behalf of Morgan said...

This reminds me of the feeling that Neddie, my Mom and I have all described from our flight dreams.

This seems to be the opposite of the riding in the passenger or back seat of a mad dashing driverless Car or Carriage. (These dreams indicate not feeling incontrol or not being on the right track in life.)

I wonder if the running dreams mean you are comfortable in yourself in your life and you feel it is within your very own power to go where you need and get what you need done.

May you have all you need between the top of your head, the bottom or your feet and between your two hands.

12:19 AM  
Blogger Mommyleek said...

I like Raven's response to this. Perhaps there's some truth there. And with all the goings-on in your world right now, I think a feeling of control, of running the show, is certainly in order.

I was driving home the other day and watched a guy running. I couldn't help but admire him, on a long stretch of road with no houses within miles, how far he must have gone already, and the lithe, flowing motion that he maintained. Made me feel as if I could do the same, although I know better. :)

9:55 AM  

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