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This dresser was originally light blue and covered with 20 years of built up grime (the stuff that does not wipe away with Windex). I've had it since I was at least 5. A day of sanding, priming, painting, more sanding and some drilling. New color, new hardware, and new "old" look. I distressed the edges and grooves by hand to show the original wood and the original color. I did the top in cream colored enamel. Very theraputic.
Christmas Eve Eve with my brothers their wimin. They descended on Friday the 23th and our house was full and noisy. I made several gallons of Irish stew - served with salad and good bread. If you think this is a full house, consider that Devin and his girlfriend couldn't make it. :)
Goodnight Barnhenge. The view from the workshop last night. My hands aren't steady enough to take good high-res, low-light photos, BUT the new windows open from the top down as well as top - up and provided me with a handy ledge to get this shot.
Blue in the Shade. I love the way the snow turns blue in the shadows. This plant is a myriad of tiny dried bells, each one coated individually in ice.
I never notice them in the summer, however in the autumn they dry - at which point they are very striking. A cluster of them in hand makes for delicate maraca-like rattling, and bundled in some raffia, they fill a vase nicely.
Barnhenge on Ice.
If you look carefully you can see my car, Skippy, where she was stuck for 4 days until I called a tow truck to pull her out. :)
Laura, these pictures are absoluetly stunning and beautiful. Thanks for sharing them.
I always check Laura's photos. A fairly decent photgrapher and all the rest, extreme home makeoverer, poet, cook, and on and on. WTG, hon!
Heh, wanna know something funny? I got a bazillion of those exact same leaf drawer/cabinet pulls for my kitchen (whenever we get to redoing it.) Great minds think alike. :)
What I want to know is where is all that snow now. We had some early snow... and now it is like spring. At least it is here. I think yon spring egg-laying chickens thinks it is anyway.
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