Strong Women and Whiskey

not for the delicate palate

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Location: Oxford, Pennsylvania, United States

I've found that if you speak as if with authority on nearly any topic, most people will believe you. This frightens me.

Friday, May 26, 2006

for the archive

....some butchery in the form of non-traditional haiku and tanka. hrmph -- very non traditional as I look it it, more nature and form rather than the intent.

oh well, first thing I've written in months. i rather li8ke the sonic blooms though, it's probably already been done somewhere/how


rose brambles burst forth
wrapped in the scent of sweet hay
whisper autumn's work


i shall drink the wind
and fill my belly with sun-
mourn a lost season

rain stings my face spicy
listen: blossoms bloom sonic


chrysalis my mind
in sheer sheets of summer wind
blarg blarg blargity <------- I had something horrible and trite here, and now I can think of anythinge else right now because it rhymed and is stuck in my head!!!!!


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