Cookies, cookies, everywhere....
Ahhh, blogging. I remember this. Rather than try to catch up on months of stuff in one swoop, I'll start with Saturday. Raven and I decided to really put the newish kitchen through it's paces and have a cookie party. Okay, I thought it was a good idea and she kept me from fizzling out on it. (I simply don't do winter well, cold weather makes me stupid.)
There was a great turnout and a great many cookies made.... and eaten. I think we got a start on our holiday baking and got to enjoy some quality "hen-time". Not that I tend to be gender-biased but there's something great about sharing a kitchen with a pile of women. Poor Doug was kept nearly captive in the upstairs of the house playing computer games, except when he was called down to go fetch something, eat lunch, or be fed cookies. Okay, so I suppose that's a rather decadent existance, huh?
Now, for the pics.
There was a great turnout and a great many cookies made.... and eaten. I think we got a start on our holiday baking and got to enjoy some quality "hen-time". Not that I tend to be gender-biased but there's something great about sharing a kitchen with a pile of women. Poor Doug was kept nearly captive in the upstairs of the house playing computer games, except when he was called down to go fetch something, eat lunch, or be fed cookies. Okay, so I suppose that's a rather decadent existance, huh?
Now, for the pics.
Raven (foreground) and Sudie making spritz cookies -- which were buttery and delicious, even if some of the dogs resembled horses. Next, year I think the plan is to make more since we only just got the hang of it towards the end of the batch. By the way, I always thought spritz cookies were made with a special cookie gun, not a salad shooter gone gastro-pornographically haywire. I love the transition from healthy veggies to ultra-butter and sugar.
According to the sacred recipe Neddie brought forth from her Mom's recipe file, this cookie dough must be mixed by hand ONLY. Eve (left) seems to think this is a pretty good idea.
We all took so many turns washing dishes, this was one of Mary's. She refused to let us get a real picture of her, so this will have to sufice.... for now.
Erica (left) and her daughter Eve expertly rolling out the gingerbread dough.
No, Erica, I have no idea why Eve spent the night boucing off the walls once she got home. (I think we were all sneaking her treats like well-meaning aunts throughout the afternoon)
The official "Abundance" shot. We have peanut butter grahams and marshmallow grahams dipped in chocolate, coconut macaroons, "Mrs. Field's" chocolate chip cookies, peanut butter cookies, peanut butter kiss cookies, scotch shortbreads, ginger bread cookies, spritz cookies, and rum balls. The only thing we didn't get done en masse was decorate the gingerbreads. Raven came back over in the evening so she, Doug, and I could do that. Of course, giving my husband some kind of creative media at any point can be a bit, well, special.
Yep..... special... would be the word here. These I think may be the least politically offensive specimens. (Mike, the Communist Russia propaganda didn't make it into the photo shoot, so sorry!) I think his mental illness may have affected Raven, as well. From the top left: faceless bikini gingerbread girl #1, Captain Fabulous (it started as a sort of Frankie goes to Hollywood thing by Raven, I added the sparkly lightning and Doug named him), one sweet Devil (raven), faceless bikini gingerbread girl #2, Inquisition Snowman, Star of David Christmas Star, and Patrick Starfish. I'm not sure if these will be on display for the family gathering :)
Oh how I wish I lived, say, 1000 miles closer! *sigh*
BTW, you've got some of the rockingest gingerbread men/women I've ever seen. J says he'll trade you three half-chewed gummy bears and a lollipop for that Patrick Starfish cookie. We've got a MAJOR "Bobpants" fan in our midst right now. :)
It's so good to see you blogging again. Please don't leave us for so long again. *sniff sniff*
Hugs to D, the chickens, the kitties, and the "foo foo".
BTW, if I tried to fit that many hens into my kitchen we'd need a tub of crisco, and I don't mean for the cookies. :) But you're welcome to squeeze in there with me anytime. :)
You did remember having a blog!
Cookies look great. That's what I was starting on today. I however will not be making gingerbread unless my father specifically asks for it when he comes to visit!
Okay, I'm about dumb! That last comment was me too. Jazzy has been "watching the butter" today. She likes to make sure it gets soft. Don't stay away so log next time!
The idea to blog doesn't occur to me much anymore either L... about as often as the idea to have a cookie party.
That lightning bolt cookie. he's the gay stripper cookie, right? Love him and Ms Purple Bikini - Terra's only comment was "OH he looks like PATRICK!" so maybe you should have more cookie parties and make millions of Patrick cooies. I'm thinking you could make serious money. I mean, kids hold all the spending power in the US anymore...
Love you guys
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