Strong Women and Whiskey

not for the delicate palate

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Location: Oxford, Pennsylvania, United States

I've found that if you speak as if with authority on nearly any topic, most people will believe you. This frightens me.

Monday, May 09, 2005


3:30 p.m. rolls around and i'm itching to go to the gym. i understand why they're called gym junkies, now.

got up this morning, packed my bag and was on the treadmill at the gym in my office at 7:45, after my warm up. I was dressed and at my desk by 8:35. So amped, all day. Doug met me for lunch (baked tater from Wendy's with chili dumped on it -- no butter) and go to meet my new boss. he (doug) looked all kinds of snazzy today.

I was back in the gym for some more cardio, weights, more cardio, crunches, lunges, etc this evening.... maybe from 5-6:30. I know I'll probably burn out on these long work outs but as long as I'm enjoying them, I should enjoy them.

I'm focusing most on my upper body for the time being, since that's what shows the most in a wedding dress. I can always wear some "supportive" undergarments if i want to (which I don't). I can really feel the difference in my energy levels, and in my flexibility. I can feel a bit of difference in my breathing and under the jiggle in my arms I can feel my muscles doing better.

I know I know -- gym stuff is boring, but I'm pretty psyched for myself at the moment. I'm also getting close to ready for bed now, too.


Blogger Erin said...

god you people who work out make me WANT to work out. I wish you'd stop making me want to do that. I can't afford a damned gym so I'll end up going back to my daily running, and it's about to be too hot for all that!

But I remember the energy, the sense of well being and how good it makes you feel about yourself just to do it and stick to it.


9:23 PM  
Blogger Vickie said...

Just before I got my new job, they closed off part of the first floor hallway at work. That hallway is crucial for getting from the store to work, or from the store to the smoking room. My bike is dying also. So, I've been walking down 6 flights of stairs like 5 times a day. I don't do 6 flights up. When I have to go back to the old department, I use the stairs there and back (about a flight and a half). I figured I had to do something...

4:05 PM  
Blogger Mommyleek said...

Way to go Chica! I think it's awesome that you're into going to the gym. There are some days when I think I'd love to be able to go to the gym, and then there are days when I do good just to walk to the mailbox. :) Most of my workouts consist of chasing Jonas from one place to the other trying to keep contraband out of his mouth. (Hey! It's a workout dammit!) Either that, or we go for a two mile walk around the neighborhood.

I'd like to think I could be a gym junkie, but I know myself better than that. I'd burn out after a week or two, and then never go again. I'm lazy like that.

You're gonna look fabulous in that wedding gown. I hope I'm there to see it.

5:43 PM  
Blogger Laura said...

I hope I don't blow past this. I signed up for a personal trainer $25 per session is dirt cheap, and since I only spent $10 a month on my membership, I suppose I can afford $25 every two weeks.

vickie-- hey steps are a good thing, up or down. sometimes it's harder to go down, ask any runner, they hate running downhill since they have to work so hard to keep in check. :)

Ang -- you'd better be there! and yes, chasing a two year old definately qualifies as a workout. :) I haven't given much thought to any wedding stuff lately -- I should get back to that thing, should't I? darn.

10:07 PM  

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