I pulled my groin muscle sometime today. Or maybe it was yesterday and I just feel it now. I don't know. The knee doctor says to limit my lunges. I am now waddling around like a Weeble and am really nervous about working with the personal trainer tomorrow.
I have also slacked off on my keeping the "food diary" that I'm supposed to keep. I spent an hour each night calculating calories....and it drove me nuts because I love food - so I'm always eating something different and fun -- even if it is healthy, so I don't have "set" foods that I can count the calories on.
For example dinner (officially) tonight was:
1 box Annie's Bunny Pasta w/ Yummy Cheese (a gift from E2...thanks!)
with 2 cans of chunk white tuna mixed in
and three or four scallions
and 1 tomato, chopped and barely cooked
oh and 6 pieces of fresh steamed asparagus.
Even a simple throw together dinner like that is a pain in the butt. What I would do here is add the total calories of the pasta dish and divide by 1/3 since that's how much I had... roughly.
Of course my first dinner was half a container of Healthy Choice Mint Chocolate Chip Ice Cream, 2 pickled eggs, and a Healthy Choice french bread pizza.
Sometimes I don't know what's wrong with me. I don't think that quiting smoking has helped. I mean, I
generally am making much better food choices. But today on the way to the doctor's I was absolutely fiending for a cigarette and did not have one. So on the way back, I was fighting the desire for french fries.. which I won.... until I saw the ice cream in the freezer and that was it.
It craving transferrance. I can't do it all at once. I'm working out regularly. Lost a bit of weight, not gaining and quit smoking for over a month. I think I need to re-adjust my focus. I bit long of being fat isn't going to hurt me if I end up caving on the cigs. Also-- I can feel my muscles developing under the fat, so I'm still doing okay.
I just have to convince myself of that. Plus, I have oral issues on both sides of my mouth right now that make eating crunchy, chunky or otherwise not bready and soft foods -- a bit painfull, okay very painful, and slow which makes things even more frustating.
I'm extremely scared of the dentist since I know I need a lot of work done, but I can't deal with the pain. The fact of the matter is,I can handle any one of these things by themselves, but all together, they are turning something I love into something I dread. Very much in the vein of "A Clockwork Orange"... so staying off the cigs, watching the diet, but not angsting over it, and D is finding me a dentist.
On a lighter note-- I did pic up some fresh strawberries from the Amish fruit stand ( so yummy and sun-warm and juicy!) that looked so good that I got some rhubarb too. So D and I are having strawberry-rhubarb cobbler right now, and yes you can be jealous. It's good. I added the juice of a lime and it really brought out the flavors well. Sooo good.
...see there I go with the cookin, and the eatin, and stuff. *sigh*